E-mail is the best way to reach us most of the time; our satellite Internet connection is never out of coverage, unlike the cell phone. So here are our addresses (see if you can figure out whose is whose):



Snail mail is still a possibility as well, despite us being on the move. Here's how it works: Even when you don't have a stationary house, you still need a domicile for governmental purposes, like taxation. For most people their domicile is where they live, but when you live on the road, you can essentially just choose where you want your legal "base" to be. Not surprisingly, most full-time RVers based in the USA choose to have their domicile in a state without its own income tax, and the two most popular seem to be Texas and South Dakota. We started with the latter, but ended up moving to the former for insurance reasons.

So, our truck has Texas plates, we have Texas drivers' licenses, and we have a Texas mailing address. Let us know if you have something physical to mail to us, and we'll share it with you; it's actually an account with the Escapees, an RV club that specializes in the needs of fulltimers – including mail forwarding. They collect our mail, and every now and then they stick it all in a big envelope and send it someplace we tell them to, typically General Delivery in some little town we're close to. Then we just drop by the post office there and pick it up. So snail mail will likely take a few weeks to reach us, but reach us it should.

Hope to hear from you!